Mirror, it always reflect myself,
It reveals who I'm and What I'm,
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
For valuable reason and for no reason.
Whenever I have presentations,
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
And talk to it,
Like there are thousands of audience infront of me.
I used to stand in front of my mirror, 
To motivate myself,
By saying you can do it and you will do it.
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
Whenever someone appreciate me,
And I laugh like a crazy girl.
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
Whenever I think about my love,
I see how my cheeks are blushing,
And admire my cute smile with shyness.
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
Whenever I'm angry with some one, 
I used to scold and say about that person to my mirror.
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
Whenever I got hurt deeply,
I cry from bottom of my heart,
Look upon my tired and teary eyes,
Worried face with lose of hope,
But still I will motivate my self by seeing my image in the mirror,
It's okay you can overcome it.
I used to stand in front of my mirror,
Whenever I feel happy,
I just keep smiling on my mirror,
With my confident eyes,
And feel proud of myself.
I used to share my thoughts and feelings with my mirror,
I used to see my real self through that mirror,
It always reveals the true me,
My mirror is my best friend.


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