Moon, you are my satellite, It doesn't matter day or night, You always keep me watching, I always spend time on waiting, You always enjoy to play with me, I always enjoy finding you on time, Once you come out, My heart sings out, I look at you for a long time, Like there was no tired time, Your bright rays captured my heart, Your smile attracts my eyes, Your look melts me like snow, Which I always owe, If you were my better half, I'll hold you with gentle laugh I would lie in your lap, And have a peaceful nap. I would like to go around the sky, With a great shy, I would dance in your light, I would sing about you at night, I would see my face in yours, I would enjoy your warmness with cheers, Though you are my sweater, I would hug you tighter, I would not leave you even a minute, Though you are my knight, I would affix you in my heart, I would love you with all my heart, You are my best better half.