
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Day You Stepped Out Of The Womb

The day you stepped out from your mother's womb, And that made her feel a great triumph. The day you came out of darkness,  And you entered into the world of brightness. The day you cried out loudly, And your loved one's enjoyed it happily. You smelled the essence of the world on that day, Yeah ! It's your special day. You may be a child or grown-up or aged, May be much of years have been passed, May or may not you have new dress to wear, May or may not you have candles to blow, May or may not there's cake cuttings or gifts for you,  May or may not there's surprises for you, May or may not there's celebrations for you, Still, It's your special day. Let your presence brings happiness to your family, And just make them feel proudly, Let your loved one's blessings cherish your heart, And that made the upcoming year, a colourful start.  It's the day which comes once in a year, And made your birth givers to cheer. Because, It's your special day, Yeah ...